Well the consistency still isn't happenin,g but since my last blog entry the long run happened, 21.5 hilly miles done and dusted, my longest run without having to walk for a good few years, the run took me 3 hours 25 mins and a handful of seconds, which is a couple of minutes inside my target time, I had given myself 3 hours 30 minutes for the run. While the run its self was OK it completely wasted me for the next 3 days and was unable to get out for anything until the Thursday.
Last Sunday I ran 18 miles and this was my best run to date, I ran a 6 mile loop, 3 times and timed myself each lap, my times are what follows
Lap 1 58 mins 2 seconds
Lap 2 58 mins 12 seconds (1 hour, 56 mins, 14 seconds)
Lap 3 56 mins 53 seconds (2hour, 52 mins, 53 seconds)
This shows not only consistent pacing but the fact that I was getting stronger as the run went on, great news for the marathon that is now only just over 2 weeks away. Really enjoyed the run as well. Once again though, after this run didn't get out for 3 days, 2 days to recover and the last day was due to huge volume of work going on which had to completed from home.
Won't be able to get much training in this weekend as we going away to see Cake (Pirate) getting married. Hoping to be able to get a run (13 miles) on Sunday after getting home.
In other news Jo has had to re think the Outlaw as her sciatic problem is not getting any better, meaning that she still can't run without pain. We contacted the organisers and they have agreed to let us change her entry from a solo effort to a relay team with Jo doing to the swim and bike leg. A doff of the hat to the power of RW Forum / Facebook / Twitter as within 2 hours of putting up the request for a runner we had one. Viking (Pirate) who should have been doing the whole thing himself but was finding the bike and swim difficult and was on the verge of pulling out has agreed to do the run for Jo as this will at least keep him and Jo involved.
Onwards and upwards as always
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