Tuesday, 9 October 2012

The need for speed

I did the Macclesfield half marathon, it was hard and it hurt and by 9 miles I was shot but I still kept running and completed it in a little over 2:08 and while I'm happy that I completed it I am a tiny bit upset by the time, now I know it was only 2 weeks after IM Wales and that told and I also know the new diet I'm on takes time for your body to adjust but that is 8 minutes more than I should be running.
So with this is mind I have set a goal of the 4 villages half marathon (Jan 20th) in under 2 hours.
I have not set any other goals until this one is achieved and I know with some run specific training I can do this time.

I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks so the fat is coming off. I will post about my diet at a later date.

Went to the wedding celebration of Des (Horse) and Sharon at the weekend and it was great to catch up with Horse, Razor and Cake.

Onwards and upwards as always