Wednesday 29 August 2012

Is this an update I see

Wow, how long has it been since I last updated here?

Well, too long!

OK, so when we last looked in Manchester marathon was done and the DIY Half IM was a success, but whats happened since?

Well loads

Jo did 2 parts of the Outlaw iron distance tri (swim & bike) Me and Jordy had a great day at the feed station and then supporting, but had an even better day the day after at the pirate awards ceremony (much drink was consumed) and Jordy managed to bag himself 2 awards.
I did the 5K swim in Holme pierpoint lake, which was fantastic as the wind was up, creating a lot of chop in the water, the outward leg was fast and the homeward leg was slow but was real fun being bashed by the waves, reminded me of swimming in the sea as kid.

The Eirias Half Ironman race was done and completed but boy was it tough.

The swim was in the sea and whilst it was nice and calm the distance had to be long as my time was 1 hour 5 minutes, this is so outside what my time should have been (45 minutes)
T1 was got to by an 800 meter run up a hill (a theme that reoccurs thought the day) and into a sports stadium.
Bike, was long (67 miles) and hard as anything I have done before, 2 laps up the side of a mountain and back down. The fluid given on the bike was Accerade which is disgussting. I have to admit that the bike course hurt and I felt like giving up but I didn't and finished.
The run was an out and back aliong the sea front twice, it had turned into the hottest day of the year and I was strugling, but once again dug in and finished.

Ironman Wales is fast approaching (3 weeks) and while I know I haven't done all the training I should have, I have done a lot more than for my other ironman distance races, the swim should be OK, I now I can do the distance well with in the cut-off. The bike fills me with dread, the course is hard, I have been doing lots of hills on the bike. The run is OK, I know I can run, several 18 mile runs recently have proved that and as long as I can make the bike course inside the cut-offs I'm confident I can finish, but its all about making the bike cut-off.

I have 1 more long bike planned (100 miles) then hopefully a small run of the bike (6 miles) then thats me done and into the tapir.

It has started getting to the point of wanting it all to be over, gets like this every year just as your 'A' race gets near.

Like a friend says "Success or failure - its down to me!" (Scott Ragsdale)

Onwards and upwards as always.