Monday, 30 January 2012

Tenby here we come

Well still no missed sessions.
Weight same as last week, which is good as one or two chocolate puddings eaten.

I have my bike back (thanks mum)
Weather was OK on Saturday, so got out for a hilly 15 miles, it felt great to be back in the saddle.

Big news

Really fallen lucky with a hotel, its on the run course overlooking north beech, so if the swim is from north beech again, Jo and Jordy can wave to me while there having their breakfast and it gives them the ability to keep nipping back with somewhere warm and dry if the weathers not great.

Manchester Marathon entered

Jodrell Bank Cycle sportive entered for both Jo and I, 80 mile option.

Hotel booked for Outlaw

Hotel booked for Flat Out in the Fenns

New goggles and trunks ordered, had a kit malfunction last time I went swimming, my goggles kept leaking and I couldn't understand why as I seemed to have a good seal, until I examined them and the lens fell out.

There is a Half IM which I like the look of, a sea swim (good practise for IM Wales), hilly bike (good practise for IM Wales) but the date is causing a bit of a problem

Saturday 21st July

One its a Saturday, two and more importantly its Jordy's birthday.
Its in Colwyn Bay so hotels become expensive at over £100 per night, we would have to go down after work on the Friday which would mean Jordy missing seals swimming club or go Saturday morning but its a 2-3 hour drive and its starts at 8 o'clock so that would mean a 4 o'clock start, so still investigating the best way to go forward.

Onwards and upwards

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Its the weekend

Still no missed sessions
Still no alcohol (more on this later)
3 pounds lost, I have just dipped under 15 stone, whoop, whoop

Pool closed Saturday and Sunday, damn swimming clubs, you would think they could find somewhere else to do it!!! So no swimming this weekend

Jordy our special son is going for 2 taster days at Petty Pool College Monday and Tuesday, so have booked these days off work, so hopefully can get a swim in one of these days.

As no swimming today got an extra rest day as bike still in shop getting repaired and get 4 hours with my gorgeous wife Jo and as I have planned a 15 mile run tomorrow, so keeping of the legs today, so I have a feeling that the first alcohol of the year might just get consumed today.

Onwards and upwards


Thursday, 19 January 2012

But which one

Training still going well, not missed a session so far this year.
Still no alcohol this year.
Might have slipped a bit with the no snacking this week as just so hungry.
Bike in the shop getting repaired.

So the big question is Ironman Wales or Challenge Henley
Both are IM distance, both are on 16th September, both have approx same amount of traveling, both will cost approx the same for accomodation.
I was really looking at IM Wales until it was announced that Activity Wales (last years organisers) are not doing it this year, but the people from IM UK are. There is history between these people and the Pirates.

More Pirates are doing IM Wales than Challenge Henley and its always good to have some company, so still undecided.

Monday, 16 January 2012


Got up Saturday morning, weigh in day, 1 pound less for me to haul around everywhere

Put bike in car and drove to bike shop, problem, bike shop not there!!!!!!!!!!

Stood outside with frame under one arm and wheels under the other, when lady from Florist next door comes out and asks "are you looking for the bike shop?"
Wanted to come out with a really witty comment, but was in to much shock, bike shop closed and everything gone.

Had to change Saturday and Sunday training round as pool closed on Saturday for swimming gala, so did 13 mile run on Saturday, it was very cold, don't think I had eaten or drunk enough water throughout the day as when got back started to feel decidedly unwell, so reached for the drink of gods and had a coke as this has always helped before, big mistake, it was 02:30 before I got to sleep.

Did the swim on Sunday and then found out that the pool is closed next Saturday and Sunday for yet more galas, will have to find another pool.

So this morning took the bike into the shop near work £197 to get back on the road, hence the title of this post.

Friday, 13 January 2012

New Update

Training has been good this week

Friday 4miles run with Jo
Saturday 2800m swim
Sunday 11 mile run
Monday 6 miles with Jo
Tuesday Rest
Wednesday 9 mile run
Thursday Rest

Tonight will be standard 4 mile run with Jo
At the moment I'm taking 2 rests days a week, this is because I'm lazy, no, its just because at the moment no bike and my legs cant take running 5 times a week (its called getting old)

On the subject of the bike, I have got the new rear hanger, can't get it to fit onto the bike, taking the bike in tomorrow to see how much its going to be for the rest of the stuff and can they fit the new hanger.

Weigh in day tomorrow, day 13 of no alcohol and no snacking, hoping to a have shed a couple more pounds

On wards and up wards as always

Saturday, 7 January 2012

It's just falling off me

I have lost an amazing 7 pounds this week.
Living like a monk seems to work

That's the good news

The bike shop rang yesterday, the rear hanger is going to be 7 weeks FFS, but they do have anyone but it is made from a higher grade aluminium and is therefore more expensive, joy.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

The world endth here

Well a fantastic Christmas was followed by a truly awful New Year.
To top it off, was out riding on New years day and going OK apart from the weather being cold, got into Tatton Park just outside Knutsford (it was rammed full of rich people), BANG, back wheel locked, bike started going sidewards, just managed to hold it and stopped, unclipped, checked bike.

Snapped Chain, rear derailleur broken in 2, derailleur hanger sheared off, 2 spokes gone on wheel, wheel now bent.

A nice man cycling behind me, stopped and said "oh we can repair you chain", showed him the broken derailleur and hanger, "OK, we can make it single speed, so you can get home", showed him the bent wheel "Do you have someone who can pick you up?"

At which point it started the pour with rain, so I started shaking my fist towards the heaven's, as this is proved to make a difference.

An emergency phone call to get myself picked up.

In the cold light of a new day/week, the bike can be repaired, but as I have just spent £600 getting the car through an MOT, I don't have the cash to get the bike fixed just yet.
I can't miss a month worth of biking and still compete at the double.

I have had a long think and after throwing the toys out of pram and spitting my dummy out, I have decided that this year will have a re-focus.

Manchester Marathon on April 29th
Ironman Wales on September 16th

Providing they don't both sell out before I get the cash to enter.

On a slightly better note

No alcohol since New Years Eve
No snacks since New Years Eve
Got to weigh myself on Saturday and hope that I'm below 220 pounds